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Meat Provider

Slang for those of the male species. Used as a derogatory term by females for men they only see as a piece of meat.

My main man was out of town, so I snuck off to see my other meat provider.

by swag420000 November 23, 2023

meat whisker

Something really fucked up

Hey you wanna see my meat whiskers

by MeatWhiskerer March 7, 2021

Meat axe

Big and dumb, but some how obliterates. Doesn’t understand what fear is.
Urban meat axe ./ big hairy guy who is practically useless outside of a pub brawl or any urban area. Doesn’t understand women. Namely found in prisons. Can be hired for smokes and porn magazine's, bananas and some types of custard cups. Kills prison guards for fun. Has an infinity for the sound of necks breaking. Still looking for me. Usually has a pet of some kind, a small dog or fish. Typically shuns steroids and has skin like leather.

Can bend prison bars if provoked enough. *nifty.. but very slow moving in general.


Spectator: He smashed them all!??…
Mate: who donk? what, during the game?..
Spectator: no after, the whole team!

Dumbshit: should of seen’’em, 7 cops jumped on top of him all male..
Stoner: then what happened?
Dumbcunt: he threw them all off and walked away.
Stoner: meathead!
Dumbcunt: Meat axe, urban meat axe, not meathead FUKHEAD!!!

by -dipshit May 3, 2022

rogue meat

Among gay men, "rogue meat" is a slang term used to refer to complete strangers they perform sex acts with in totally random hookups. Rogue meat could also refer to the male genitals of these random hookups.

I'm heading to the rest stop to see if I can find some rogue meat.

by TRDT June 21, 2018


When your associate overindulges on grilled steak and beer every night for the better part of the week, then passes out and farts the most putrid stench possible without shitting himself while asleep.

I had to get some fresh air after James got the "meat-farts"!!🤮🤮🤮

by sendnudes459@gmail.com December 21, 2022

Meat Fart

When you pull your cock out of a girls ass and they fart.

"Damn I pulled my cock out of my girl's ass and she farted for like 30 seconds she had the meat farts."

by Double Bubble Baby Bear November 28, 2024

Dirty Meat

Is a person (Man or Woman) who willingly have unprotected sex with many partners without knowledge or care if thier partners have STDs, HIV or Aids.

I was at a anonumous sex party one hour ago and saw a Dirty Meat have unprotected anal sex with 70 different guys and 38 different guys the night before.

by DTCD April 7, 2023