The Maze Game, also known as The Scary Maze Game, is a game where the player must use their mouse to navigate a red block to the end of the level without touching the walls.
There are three levels; the first two are easy, and the third one is nearly impossible...but are you sure you want to see what happens when you finally beat it?
The Maze Game has spawned a meme where a guy breaks his computer after being absolutely terrified of what happens when you beat the third level. That's how scary it is.
Walmart game is a game where you go in a Walmart and buy the three creepiest items you can find.
Let's go play the Walmart game
A Game where you have to avoid your car from crashing because of a donkey.
The IBM PC comes with Donkey (Racing Game).
A shity game made by Epic Games for players that can not afford to buy a real game, because this one is made in Unreal Engine, a game engine for Unreal games ! And because there isn’t enough players Paragon’s servers are going to close April 26th !
Wait are you playing Paragon (game) ? That shity game that is going to close ?
When you like to fuck animals before going to the cinima
"Hey Tom you fancy coming to the cinema". Tom " yeah I cud he game"
Meaning I've got go and kind something I can put my dick in preferably a hamster that is yet to loose it's virginity and has a sister that's genrally down for what ever and is happy to finger my assholes during the act.
Definitly not a bug that the game developers are definitly not too lazy to fix.
Dude 1: Dude I just discovered a new bug in this game.
Dude 2: Dude don't you know, that's just intended game design
they s (not all)
robotop - the one who says kill yourself not jokingly T
nuul - green pal boy S
shoberloo - S
ally - she is your ally no friendly fire
isme - idk abour them
ohno - will cancel robotop for saying kys
ritzful - its ritz what do i say
and more idk sorry, nerds.
what is gtg
the game tab google
ooh bye ok then.