His words they fall upon me
Like a warm gentle breeze
fire they light inside my soul
I feel his energy
Apart for what seems forever
He’s still a part of me
Can always tell when on his mind
Mmm love that energy
Love so fierce I can’t deny
It’s for eternity
3 love for the man I crave.
Queen 3 King
A number that I have banned from my existence from this day forward because of a resent incident relating to usernames and passwords.
Man, that guy is such a 3. He ruined my life and I never want to see him again.
1. The number 3
2. Somones password
3. A number that looks like the letter e
1. I am 3 years old..now you kinda understand what I am saying right?
2. My password is not 3 I said IS NOT! *types in 3 as password in persons face they were talking to*
3.I keep typ3ing my "e" as a "3" and my "3" as a "e". Som3one help me. I am on e1e driv3.
The number 3 symbolizes someone who loves hooking up with guys