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a chick who can’t keep her legs shut

what this is the 3rd guy this week? You’re a slut

by 1274916496 June 8, 2019


Southern Ladies Under Tremendous Stress

Guys we are SLUTS

by Sheliner May 26, 2023


Someone who will date you then to spite you in a fight post all over twitter and text other guys to make you jealous

A slut is a woman who spites there boyfriends by talking to otherguys / fucking other guys

by hacon February 19, 2014


The term slut is an adjective that defines a person who engages in promiscuous behaviour. A slut engages in sexual intercourse and activities regularly with varying partners.

G : "dude, H slept with O when we went to the movies"
J : "that's the 6th time this week, and it's only Monday! H is such a slut. And in the theatre too?! "

by Тимофей March 24, 2023


A male/female that has sexual intercourses with more then one person behind other peoples back either to get back at them or to have “fun”

Friend 1; you f**ked my boyfriend
Friend 2; okay so

Friend 3; you’re a slut

by Grumpslumps June 30, 2022


A boy or girl that has sex with a ton of people

Jermiah; i hooked with with her her and him and him

Steven: you little slut

by Rosalina Gómez June 21, 2022


A woman who knows that the struggle of finding the right partner comes with a series of wrong ones.

She knows what she wants, what a slut!

by Wompowered November 16, 2022