If placed in the context of a teamspeak client of a video game called league of legends mean literally anyonhe other thank nic, greg, envy and sometimes goeff
do anyone that is good want to play legolands
there is none left in this world
where did it all go wrong there is nothing good left
Hym "Yeah! That was a good one wasn't it? I liked that one to. As Doug pointed out, the other one was a little derivative. But this one was good too. Completely original!"
Iam "Come on. We have to go."
Hym "Damnit! Alright. I'll revel in my own intellectual prowess later."
You are shit. You kids are shit. It doesn't matter what name you attribute to me for saying this. If I don't get that fucking money, you are going to suffer the consequences of being shit.
Hym "And I'll be good. It's GOOD for me to do that to you."