Nemo's right hand is extremely large and his penis is to.If you ever find a Nemo with a large hand stay with him because his dick is probably big.
Nemo's right hand was supposed to jerk off kong, but it really jerked of kenny kan.
when one's hand hurts after hitting one's kid (or occasionally younger sibling) because said kid did something retarded
I gave my son a crack on the arse and now I have kid-hand.
A rather robust wiener or penis on a Frenchman in Quebec.
AnakynSky Traker has a fucking boat hand between his legs!!!!
when someone gives a guy a handjob with one hand and catches his shit with the other as its coming out of his ass.
David: Hey man! Little Red gave me a two handed turtle last night.
The act of submerging your hand in ice water until it becomes numb and then jerking yourself of while watching the Frosty the Snowman special.
Properly executed you should get the feeling you are being given a hand job by a frozen corpse.
By night 2 of being lost in the snowy forest Timmy resorted to a frosty hand job which reminded him of the many loveless nights with his ex.
1. What gen Z calls their dominant hand
2. A cramp in your wrist from using your phone
-Which of these beers is yours?
-The one in your phone hand.
I spent all night texting Andre and got phone hand so bad I couldn’t hold a fork today.
I went in the bed room to play "wandering hands" With Hanna, She would not stop getting wet.
I went in the bed room to play "wandering hands"