A person who can date multiple people in a small number of time
Someone is a hoe she has dated 20 people in the last 3 months
A girl that knows who you like and then dates them. Fucks anything with a heartbeat. Dates at least 8 guys in 3 months.
Guy #1: "She's a hoe."
Guy #2: "Yeah, she's dated 9 guys this month."
Head Of Everything
Go check with the HOE before making decisions
A woman and or man that switches from one person to another then back to you. That my good people is called a HOE. Also a person who wants to get fucked by anyone and anything.
Sarah left me for a boy they broke up then another one and another one and another one and another one then back to me. You see what I’m saying. BTW I said HOE NO😂😂😂
1.Hoe is a tool used to cultivate fields.
1.My hoe broke while I was ploughing the fields.
2.Dont do it with her,she is a hoe.