A girl that doesn’t give a shit about her body.
She doesn’t care about anyone but herself and the multiple dicks she’s getting.
Every guy she is flirting with doesn’t know she is flirting with 20 other guys.
She might care about someone for a little while but right after that she will not care about that person, she’ll hop on another dick.
A Hoe is a cold hearted person who has emotionally damaged you. In other words, emotionally destroyed you. A hoe gives no damns about anyone but themselves. A hoe is careless and wreckless when it comes to other people’s emotional state.
A person that got broken up with that they loved very much but is trying to move on but can't because they loved that person so much so instead of getting over then the normal way they are sleeping around.
Alexis is a hoe. Sorry Alexis.
Alexis is a kind hoe. She only sex up her Italian man.