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Your Mom

The word that every 2nd or 3nd grader uses to makes themselves look cool or says to another kid to "roast" them.

1st grader: "What am I doing right now?" Another kid: "Your mom"

by connerpppp November 2, 2020

Your mom

Basicly just things kids day at litterly everythinh

teacher: did you do your homework
kid: your mom

kid 1: OMG look that fat kid there!
kid 2: is that your mom?

Kid 1: your so ugly
kid 2: if your mom stands on a scale shell she my phone number'

kid 1: your mom
kid 2: is fat

kid 1: your ugly
kid 2: when your mom was burried the earth became a bol

by YOUR MOM2132412354325243 September 20, 2022

Your mom

Your mom is a joke, a joke that lots of kids/teenagers jokes about.But sometimes gets out of hands.

Hey jimmy” “yeah what” “Your mom is so fat that she struggled to give birth to you😂” “...” “?” “So you have chosen death.”

by Bunlikesboba December 14, 2022

your mom

your mom : is nut chopp at yo poppas manggoes onne elbow's schullalies battery assault pumping iron horse-maiden

your mom : is kinda cute
your mom : is my ex-teacher
your mom : is my ex-dad (what?)
your mom : is my sweet every teen in my age (what again?)
your mom : is my soul by my old bro says (why?)
your mom : is my soul too know why ? (Teen spirit Baby) $ WH@T?

by ChachaSaur2023 June 16, 2023

Your Mom

She is the ugliest person on Earth. If you have “Your Mom” as a mom you should run away

Your mom” is your mom

by Unkn0wnWordWriter64 June 9, 2022

Your mom

The person people make jokes about all the time

Blitzø: hey are we gonna get our phone call bitch ?
Agent one: that depends who are you gonna call ?
Blitzø: your mom thanking her for a fat time

by Someone who likes helluva boss July 7, 2023

Your mom

A big fat whale everyone f***s

I f’d your mom

by King of klowns December 25, 2023