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hit your tallest friend day

On the 26 november you for one day can hit your tallest friend and it doesn't matter how many times you do they can not hit you back and they can not carrie the grudge over to the next day.

"Was up josh *slap*"

"Ouch what the hell" josh said

"Oh did you not here its hit your tallest friend day cya"

by Master_mind734 November 24, 2020

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National fuck your best friend day

May the 20th, is fuck your best friend day

Me "hey wanna fuck"
Bestfriend "I'm your best friend that would be weird "
Me "No it's may 20th, national fuck your best friend day

by Babicakesxox April 20, 2018

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National Slap Your SHORT Friend Day

National slap your short friend day is the day right after national slap your tall friend day, so NSYSF day is on February 12th! Y'all created slap your tall friend day so i create this because I'm the tallest out of my friends and they keep trying to slap me, so I thought this would even us out.

Vincy: Ow! How dare u!
Lina: It was national slap your tall friend day!
*Ze next day*
Vincy: *Le slap
Lina: WTF
Vincy: well, yesterday was national slap your tall friend day, so today is national slap your SHORT friend day
Lina: I hate the internet

by Emmuchino December 8, 2019

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I did not come here to make friends!

A phrase that pops up in lots of competitive reality television shows such as Survivor, The Apprentise, Flavor of Love, and many, many, more. What is intresting about this phrase is that you would never say it anywhere outside of television. Even if you were in a position where you where not there to make friends you would not gain anything by anouncing it.

On a competitive reality television show

Person 1: I am going to win this and you know it!
Person 2: Oh no you won't! I will fight you if I have to! I did not come here to make friends!

by Dr. M0 October 12, 2009

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National Slap Your Tallest Friend day

National slap your tallest fried day is on November 4th .
Remember you can only slap them if they are 5 '3 or taller

Walk up to them ask if you can slap them because its "National Slap Your Tallest Friend Day", if they say no you can still slap them either way.

by Banananior November 3, 2021

National kidnap your best friend day

March 3 is national kidnap your best friend day. The day you get to kidnap your bestie take them where ever you want and make them buy you icecream.

Woah it is march 3, I better go kidnap my best friend and force them to drive me places.

YAY it is national kidnap your best friend day.....I wish I had a best friend so I can kidnap them.

by tormented-anguish December 9, 2021

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National Sleep With the friend zoned guy day

October 16th. This is for the friend zoned men. This is the day where any of your close female friends have to sleep with you ;)

β€œHey come over”

β€œNo we’re just friends”

β€œBut it’s national sleep with the friend zoned guy day”

by Heheheuknow October 14, 2019