National give your girlfriend your hoodie day! Let’s admit it, she’s probably not doing so well right now so be a good s/o and give her your hoodie!
Guy: bro your girlfriend looks so depressed
Boyfriend: we’ll it’s December 3rd so I guess I’ll give her my hoodie
**wraps her in a big hug**
Conan gray day
We celebrate by wearing a sweater and stream “Heather” by Conan gray
Person: is there anything happening on December 3?
You have to say yes to whoever ask you out or to date
Tom: Hey Becky
Becky: yea
Tom: will you go on a date with me, it’s December 3😉
Becky: Yes!
December 3 is national child in blender day
The day where you can blend children and it would be okay
Mother: Where has Timmy been all day?
Son: It's December 3
National Heather day and National ask your crush for his sweatshirt day
Girl:Hey it December 3 did you get Charlie’s sweatshirt yet?
Date anyone u want for one day and they can’t say no
(𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕)Hey wanna date
(Boy) eww no
(Girl) but it’s December 3
The day you get a sweater from your soulmate. And note to self, if you do get a sweater yet ready to meet “Heather”.
Alex-*in her mind “its thDecember 3, I should give her my sweater”.
Alex - it’s cold, here have my sweater
Maria- Thanks!
Alex- it looks better on you than it does me
Maria- *in her mind “only if you knew..”*