A rare illness were when your eyes are closed you can’t see
Yo dude I can’t see when my eyes are closed
When ur so done with shit that u wanna take ur eyes out
I'm so bored I'm gonna prawl my eyes out
A mechanic in Call of Duty where you are on a head-glitch but it is covering the bottom half of your head, so the opponent can only see your eyes and forehead.
"Bro hes eye-glitching the pillar I cant even see him!"
The hole at the tip of the Penis (aka the meatus aka the Pee hole)
That poor prick has gone 13 months without blowing one out of the front eye!
Foreign polish cum that is shot into the eyes of innocent woman to help keep there eyes shut so they don't see a polish hammer enter their Ass at high speeds.
Harris quick she is waking up give her some polish eye glue so I can jam my 3 inch polish jet boat into her brown tightpocket.
When someone shows you how to do something and you pay no attention whatsoever and therefore cannot do the thing they showed you to do
I know I just watched you put that windshield wiper on the car… but it just went in one eye and out the other
When your significant other is sleeping and you jiz in their eyes and let it dry. They wake up and can't open their eyes.
I gave my girl spackled eyes last night!