Source Code

whisper box

A whisper box is an intimate way to refer to a woman's genetalia.
As if it is a beautiful secret that is waiting to be discovered.

I longed to unlock her whisper box

by Queenofthewhsiperboxes February 27, 2016

whisper box

A whisper box is an intimate way to describe a women's genetalia.
As if unlocking a beautiful secret.

I longed to unleash her whisper box.

by Queenofthewhsiperboxes February 27, 2016


The act of sending numerous emails, forwards and/or spam-like missives to one's Inbox, often prefaced with, "I don't usually do this, but I thought this one was worth it."

After receiving several email fwds from a person, one might say, "Dude, you gotta stop blastingmybox."

This person is then a "Box blaster." Should this be a separate entry?

Or, if you're following up with someone, you might write, "Sorry to keep blasting your box, but I wonder if you've had a chance to look at my work."

by Gailewhali January 5, 2009

The Box of Xness

The holy grail of gaming. The Xbox360. Is worshipped by nerds around the world

Dude, I just pwned on the box of xness!

by Gh0stxodus April 29, 2010

Soup box

A smelly vagina that smells sorta like food and chicken broth

Wow abby’s puss smells like a soup box


Money box

A box at a party, event or gathering; were the guests put money in if they would like to do so, as a gift.

Hey, theres going to be a money box at my party if you want to put some money in it.

by Ozzie Martinez May 24, 2018


Any jail cell set aside for allowing belligerent bubbers to "sleep it off"

"Throw that wino in the bubber-box till he sobers up..."

by Zed Numar July 20, 2021