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What salad

What a Lad! Often used in texting conversation as shorthand.

Bob gets with all the girls he wants!
- What salad!

by Lengar July 5, 2018

thumbtack salad

When editable goods become, or are naturally, too sharp and leave their digester's mandible ceiling in a mess of bloody, and usually painful, ribbons.

1.) Sorry, can't pronounce my L's because of my thumbtack salad this morning.

2.) Captian Crunch.

3.) A big salad bowl filled with thumbtacks, and dressed with scalding hot clam chowder, salt, and razor blades.

by java monster February 22, 2008

3👍 1👎

Pub salad

The culinary combination of a packet of crisps, splayed open and covered in Tabasco sauce. Invented in the Pipe & Slippers, Bristol

Oi Jono, one more pub salad and your bro is going to blow his gizzards

by Jono-L April 17, 2022

Protest Salad

When your friend doesn't agree with the group's restaurant choice so they order a salad as a form of silent protest.

"Hey Mike, this burger is amazing. How is your protest salad?"

by Dax420 September 11, 2012

Sink Salad

The grotty shit that collects in the drain when people put dishes with food remnants in the sink

Nora: "Fuck it's my kitchen clean up day"
Alie: "Don't forget to scoop out the sink salad or stab it through with a fork if you're lazy"

by sinksaladluver February 5, 2013

Sink salad

A delicious snack to enjoy at the bottom of the sink after you wash the dishes

“Yo man you wanna cop some food later?”

“Nah man I’ve been fiending that sink salad Ive got building up in my sink

by BiggieG07 July 10, 2019

juicy salad

A salad that has so much juice that you can squeeze it out.

“Hey can i get a salad with extra juice to it?That I️ can squeeze the juice out of it?Called a juicy salad

by iMac hubby ass January 7, 2018