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Grizzly Academy

I think Anthony went here

Anthony: *picture of him at Grizzly academy*

by COZX August 5, 2019

The Sutton Academy

The Sutton Academy is a high school full of sketty whores who just want some dick inside them and obnoxious slags who've been with everyone in 50 miles. The year 7s think they run the place even though the rest of us could easy boot them down the corridors. The year eights say they aren't chavs but their hair, makeup, and attitudes indicate otherwise. The year nines all chat pure shit about each other and act about 4 even though they're 13 and 14. The year 10s have slugs on their faces instead of eyebrows. The year 11s all want to shoot the year sevens and they're just waiting to take their GCSE's and leave.

Overall the students are all slutty bitches who smoke weed and talk shit for a living.

Mr. Ryan is a pedo. Ms. Sherman walks like a vulture.

The Sutton Academy is a shithole full of sketty whores and obnoxious slags.

by Your favourite whore December 19, 2019

Woodkirk academy

Shit school... dont send your kid there

Woodkirk academy is a shit school dont send your kids there.
Woodkirk academy is a prison for children

by Shit skls March 3, 2022

the portsmouth academy

tpa is a shit hole that does absolutely dogshit

the teachers are shit, they hate the students (can't blame them)

what's that school??
oh it's that shit hole!
aka the portsmouth academy

by tpa sucks November 14, 2022

Kuper Academy

Forall students in Kuper Academy, there exists a real number n greater than 100000000 shuch that if

|the money you have| < n, then you get kicked out of school

Kuper Academy faild me, they say me no engrish, i is gooder engrish then tutor, I dont undrsdand why they fail me. The people is bad, them very descriminat.

by DAHEofDIAMOND April 13, 2022

Baxter Academy

Quite possibly the weirdest high school East of the Mississippi River... Baxter Academy is notorious for being the meme-fuel that all the other schools use. The school has a program called "Flex Friday" which normally consists of a mixture of insane personal projects and just flat-out goofing off. The school also has a very large population of LGBT+ students, so if your gay and don't wanna look like an outcast, this is your school. Most of the students here also ski like there's no tomorrow, and one time the school even called a "powder day" right after a snowstorm. Another immensely popular fixation is robotics, with Baxter's team winning the first robotics competition and Thomas Cup more often than the Patriots win the Super Bowl. The Monday-Thursday academics program is amazingly lenient compared to other high schools, with most of the teachers being super down to earth and rarely assigning homework. However, the higher administration has been horribly inconsistent over the past few years, with a bunch of new principals and board members trying to make the school a living hell for faculty and students alike. About 75% of the original faculty has quit over the past few years because of this, but it always does seem somewhat easy for them to find replacement teachers. As for colleges, universities love to see Baxter on people's resumes, but a lot of times folks fall flat on their face when they get there, because most college professors suck when compared to Baxter Teachers.

"He goes to Baxter Academy???"

"He's probably a gay guy who draws dank memes while skiing down Jordan Bowl at Sunday River"

by winweather04 November 13, 2021

Winterbourne Academy

A school where they care more about how you look than your education, coat on? Good luck having a future, shirt untucked? Good luck passing your GCSE’S

Person 1: my friend is going to winterbourne academy
Person 2: oh really? How is he?
Person 1: terrible he’s fucking autistic now

by Simplyy December 11, 2021