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by penguin_user_help123 July 20, 2022


When you first meet an Amelia, you think to yourself, wow she's really pretty, must be great to date her. But no. She's pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside. She will turn you down 100% of the time and be a complete bitch about it. She is the type of person to take a screenshot when you tell her you like her and send it to her group chat. She's a stuck up bitch and is completely full of herself. She thinks she's the shit when all she is, is annoying and everyone acts like her friend, when in reality noone likes her. So watch out my fellow boys, stay away from Amelia or she'll touch your toes.

Person 1: OMG!! look at that ugly hoe over there. Must be an Amelia
Person 2: She definitely looks like an Amelia

by urmumsahoe05 November 23, 2021


amelia a hoe 😂

that girl lowkey a bop
“probably amelia

by marksmelons.com November 21, 2023


A girl who will always be by your side

A girl who forgets her phone

A girl who sits next to you on the bus

She and AMAZING human being

you are an Amelia.

by UWU 3000 lia May 26, 2022


Amelia, meaning industrious in Latin, is a name for a gorgeous girl. She is a ‘dude’ girl and usually a libra. She won’t take bullshit and is very strong, but horrible at sports, art, maths, science etc.

Who’s that?
Oh that’s my bro, Amelia!

by deena.com July 22, 2021


And Amelia is the kind of friend who will always be lost in a book. They are funny, Kind of introverted, and enjoy getting lost in a good book. They Probably like horror and murder mystery. if you have an Amelia in your life you are very lucky. they will make you laugh, and probably have Brown, or red hair, and Have green or brown eyes. They may write story's and you will probably find them in a corner eating candy and reading a good book.

Amelia is hot.

by NOT ME :) October 1, 2021


Amelia is pretty slay girl that is a top g and will rizz you up in a matter of a second, (speaking from my own experience), doesn't have ops, only friends! her guitar skills are amazing, when she plays, music hits you harder than your stepdad (in a good way), ofc compared to you, you are basically nothin' in music, like bro you are dead like Kurt Cobain. If you want to describe person as someone really cool you say "goddamn you are Amelia"

Daaamnnn, you are so Amelia!!!!!

by Amelliadarizzler October 6, 2023