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apex duo appreciation day

August, 5th is Apex Legends Duo Appreciation day, so go say thank you to the one person who’s stuck with you through the terrible apex year.

Man, I can’t wait for Apex Duo Appreciation Day !!

by TheApexDictionary August 4, 2022

Apex Duo Appreciation Day

August 5th, is apex duo appreciation day ! So go say thank you to your duo, and keep playing with them until the game eventually dies.

Man, I can’t wait for Apex Duo Appreciation Day !

by TheApexDictionary August 4, 2022

Milo Appreciation Day

Monday 8th of May.
Appreciate all people called Milo

Friend: "Hey milo happy appreciation day"
Milo: "What is milo appreciation day"
Friend: "Where we appreciate everyone called milo"
Milo: "Wow Thanks!"

by cactuscapybara May 8, 2023

boob appreciation day

national boob appreciation day is on june 30th

dude 1: hey dude did you know today is boob appreciation day
dude 2: nah bro that’s crazy

by daddyboob June 30, 2021


very selectively sl*tty because u “appreciate” the person you are with

my gf is so appreciative of me

by kiwiiiiiiiiiii June 12, 2022


very selectively slutty

omar and celine are appreciative and they disapprove of unappreciative people.

by kiwiiiiiiiiiii June 8, 2022

National Div 6 Appreciation day

Celebrate your division 6 friends with "National Div 6 Appreciation day" on September 2nd. They don't get a lot of credit since there highest-scoring games are normally single digits or the all-time great of 11 set by Randy Bird in 1812. This day is the day to give your Div 6 friends a break. September 2nd

Everyone: How did you do last night?
Gong: Career High of 4 why?
Everyone: it's National Div 6 Appreciation day good job
Gong: *Cries in Div 6*

by GummyGummyBear September 1, 2020