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Bathroom Effect

A psychological phenomenon named the bathroom effect where individuals release immoral desires due to the fact they cannot be seen nor punished by anyone. (I.e.- broken bathrooms)

Person 1: Why do people like breaking things in the bathroom so much.
Person 2: Well it’s due to the Bathroom Effect.

by HillwoodBathrooms August 2, 2022

Nipmuc bathrooms

The number one hangout spot at Nipmuc Regional. A good place to go to the bathroom as well

I can’t wait to go to the Nipmuc Bathrooms to do some completely legal activities with friends.

by Burnttoaster12345 November 16, 2023

Tile bathroom

Slang expression for “brick shit house

Dwayne the Rock Johnson is muscular. He’s built like a tile bathroom.

by Cobyalumfred December 30, 2021

sleeping in the mall bathroom

having a little to much fun in the stall with your partner from the back.

sleeping in the mall bathroom =they went to take a nap in the mall bathroom, and came back all wet and white, after a while. then they went to the bed store to get some sleep because there nap made them tired.

by pussyindick5 December 7, 2022

bathroom lunch

The act of feeding your partners butt with your butt.

Jerry gave Jon a bathroom lunch today.

by Guyblow321 February 18, 2020

bathroom packager

the cleaning way of exiting a bathroom by washing your balls before you go instead of washing your hands after you go so you dont touch anything nasty while you go.

tim:bill took a long time to get out of the bathroom bill:dude the bathroom packager got my hands and my balls super clean

by ginger warrior December 22, 2010

Bathroom lips

Those luscious downstairs lips.

Check out those bathroom lips!

by OD-C April 21, 2018