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a hockey player who is absolutely terrible at hockey, and their ankles bend when they skate requiring them to rape their ankles.

eh johnny you see this kid he can’t even skate

(johnny) yeah buddy kids a bender

by pods29 November 29, 2019


A word commonly used by ice hockey players, to describe an absolutely horrible player, who's ankles hit the ice.

Hey look at that kid in house league, he's such a bender!

by Swagllamabender March 5, 2015


Noun: One who bends at the ankles while skating.

Look at that kid I just deked out. He's such a bender!

by Bdizzle007 December 4, 2010


a homosexual male, who typically bends over other males, no matter their sexuality

oh fucking hell mate, its that bender again! remember last time when he bent you over?

by AR544 January 28, 2022


Someone who’s ankles bend when they play hockey, or they basically just suck at it.

Man you’re such a bender!!!

by Slimjimballs69 December 13, 2018


One who sucks at hockey

“Groppenbacher from top-house sigma chi is a bender

by SigmaChiLegend August 12, 2019


A person who works to change the sexuality of a straight person. In other words, work to bend them.

A) Yea, that guy is such a bender.

B) I think she's trying to bend me.

by UhHeyItsMe December 24, 2016