The act of attending class by calling another cell phone that is present in the classroom while you are not.
I bought two cellphones so my friends can take one to my classes for me. I stay in bed and call the phone in the classroom to listen to the daily lesson. I guess you could say that I'm attending cell-u-lar-versity.
This occurs when the boss walks around to check cubicles, to see who is in attendance or what you doing at any point of the day when he or she is bored. This is to make sure that the employees know and remember who is in charge. It becomes a nuisance or annoyance to employees who are hip to the game.
I was planning on sneaking out early from work on Friday but I had to wait until the boss did his afternoon cell check to see who was still in the office or working.
The act of achieving a heightened state of sexual arousal by placing your vibrating cell phone on or near any of either yours or your partner's erogenous zones.
I have to say that my girlfriend is one of the most cell-u-larogenous people I know. She knows just when and where to place her vibrating cell phone on my body.
I was so lonely the other night, I had to get cell-u-larogenouos.
Very important mobile rules not to be broken
Connection detection - Bubble u x x dat come -v Cell rules: Wn ur mss run
lowWn cell gets/runs slowIf ur cell cms 2b slow downI'll send u me pics min
The quantum prismatic evolution of a cell - The quantum particles that are existing in a superposition within a cell that are given instructions to move to move along a predetermined path to a specific point in time to continue the evolution of a cell.
The quantum prismatic evolution of a cell is what genterates the force for the atom to split.
a prison cell where dangerous prisoners are kept in chains.
The robber has been kept in the chain cell.