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Chinese highlights

A trick in which you ask someone if they want Chinese highlights and you run your toes through their hair preferably after you haven't bathed in a few days.

Permission is not always required. When your victim is not looking you can give them Chinese highlights as a sneak attack.

Girl #1: Hey, do you want some Chinese highlights? It will make your hair look amazing.

Girl #2: Okay, go for it.

Girl #1: -runs toes through girl's hair-


by VanWyngardenlevosia July 8, 2011

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Chinese Extender

The term given to the large volumes of celery and onion found in takeaway chinese food.

They use heaps of Chinese extender at that shop.

by AussieJay May 23, 2007

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chinese leprechaun

The little mother fuckers who steal your stuff when you are not looking so that you have no hope of finding it again.

God damn these chinese leprechauns stole my keys and I have no idea where they put them.

by LeBigestShrimp October 20, 2015

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chinese pitchfork

The act of two men sticking their cocks into a Chinese fingertrap and playing tug of war until one of the men nuts a load. Commonly used in fraternity hazing to break the souls of pledges.

Chuck: hey mike are you going to join theta chi?

Mike: not sure yet, the idea of paying to have friends sounds sick tho!

Chuck: yeah I agree! I heard all of the brothers there have to Chinese pitchfork till they bust! They instantly become lifelong friends!

Mike: shit man, I'm in, frats rule!

by Bigstik December 12, 2013

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Chinese Checkers

When a man rests each of his testicles on a supine woman's eyes and then 'hops' one testicle over her nose and into her mouth.

Her nose was so big I could barely play Chinese Checkers.

by ThreedeeM July 11, 2008

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chinese baseball

1. Cutting in line, a sport in Asia. 2. China's national pastime

Chinese people will take every opportunity to cut in line unless you ride the ass of the person in front of you. Generally seen as China's national pastime, the behavior is affectionately referred to by outsiders as Chinese baseball. "Look at that fool steal second"

by Zornix November 10, 2011

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The Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac cycles divided into 12 parts

each labels at least the majority of those parts with names of animals, and each is widely associated with a culture of attributing influence of a person's relationship to the cycle.

Person 1:Hey,you're a Tiger in the chinese zodiac,right?
Person 2:Yeah. What sign are you?
Person 3:I'm a Rabbit

by TheZodiacGirl June 1, 2010

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