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common culture

Brand hand-created by Connor Franta, famous YouTube personality, developed for one year, finally released to the public on 12/19/15. This brand includes Coffee, Music, and Apparel.

Person One: Dude, did you hear about Connor Franta's new brand?
Person Two: Oh yeah, you mean Common Culture?

by blahbforlife December 19, 2015

8πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

anti culture

Anti Culture is very different from Counter Culture.
Counter Culture is against the previous generation, Anti Culture is against ANY gerneration. People who are 'badass' kids, are conforming to what other kids say they should be. Anti Culture is true freedom.

Someone who belives in it is called an Acer (comes from Ace, which comes from AC , which comes from Anti Culture).

Acer's the wave of the future.
Youre damn right Im an acer.

by Chuck e November 10, 2003

33πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

French culture

In quaint 60s parlance, oral sex.

Old swinger husband: Is he always that quick on the trigger?
Young swinger wife: Well, it's been known to happen...
Old swinger husband: Well, don't let it worry you. Wait till you meet Tom Harris. He comes when you look at him.
Old swinger wife: Oh, but that don't matter, hon. He'll give you French culture till the cows come home.

by Absurdist July 31, 2009

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

cultural appropriation!

A one sided view which tries to hide the fact that the European white races invented just about everything that is of any use in the home or industry, all of which are readily available to and are used by black and brown people, but it is wrong to put a slice of Pineapple on a pizza and call it Hawaiian. This is a particularly hot topic amongst white hating white people that have been indoctrinated by left wing school or college teachers and have not gained any World experience yet.

A non PC use of cultural appropriation! would be; "Hey look, there is Beyonce with her lovely long, straight, blonde hair". Or "Look Leroy is using a knife and fork and wearing clothes".

by Borys Kickabollockoff September 3, 2018

16πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

black culture

A thriving vehicle driven by todays black youth. Despite what people think the future is bright for the race of African Americans. If one thinks about how fast a come up we have made, one would see that the possibilities of a completely and seemlessly integrated society is not far away. Instead thinking of all the negatives, all cultures need to look at Blacks and see a race of people who 50 years ago had no civil rights, not to mention that our first 400 or so years in the Western World were spent in chains. Just think for a second. Black culture in America was established and continued for almost a half-millenium in bondage. We have been free from slavery for only 140 years. Just imagine if we'd been free as long as we were slaves. Yet our incredible progress gets overshadowed by the fact that we have the highest number of inmates in prison and other negative things like that. What's funny is that I hear mostly blacks spew out these statistics. We as blacks need to not only embrace our roots but embrage our incredible progress.

chew on that

by Abbott Brooks February 25, 2004

182πŸ‘ 315πŸ‘Ž

Black Culture

Black Culture is something incredible. Some people will define it as ghetto, hood, or gang related. Those people should mind their business and choke on it. Black Culture is taking pride in who you are and where you come from. Nothing "ghetto" about it. Black Culture has made such a progress. It went from shackles to Business. Black people are stepping out and owning their own business and making a name for themselves. So its wise to stop saying "black culture is hood" because it is not. It is excellence

Black Culture is Excellent!

by MelaninLaniβ™‘ January 31, 2019

120πŸ‘ 202πŸ‘Ž

pop culture

A horrid way-of-life where goths (who spray Axe and shop at Hot Topic) and preps (who watch MTV and shop at Aeropostale) go and insult each other. Yes, there is some intergration, but usually they just insult each other on the way they look.

"Let us observe the hideous dirt children subject to pop culture!" - Me.

by Nick October 1, 2003

56πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž