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Dinner triangle bell

A descriptive term used to describe a loose orphase. In order to reach a climax there must be an action performed similar to the concept of a dinner triangle bell being rang by the ringer rod.

Geez... I am exhausted! Lucy was a total dinner triangle bell... I was literally doing the helicopter in that bitch! I still had to go home and rough the suspect to get mine! I won't be calling her back!

by LauraKroft November 19, 2021

A drunken dinner roll

When a man makes out with a obese woman with lots of rolls, and then continues to make love to the fat rolls.

Dude Tyler totally pulled a drunken dinner roll with Heather last night!

by Americanpanzy January 25, 2011

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big chicken dinner

Military term for a Bad Conduct Discharge. In many ways, equivalent to a felony conviction.

Private Petty got the Big chicken Dinner for deserting.

by Atomic Johnny March 31, 2005

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After dinner pinner

To smoke a small joint after dinner

Umm... that was a great meal... not who's got the after dinner pinner

by AJ SITKO February 8, 2005

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Italian Christmas Dinner

When you make your wife suck every last drip of cum out of your cock under the kitchen table on Christmas, while you hand crank Capicola cold cuts on a traditional meat slicer. You then use that fresh cut capicola and eat it out of your wifes ass.

Wife- "Tony what would you like for Christmas"
Tony (Soprano Voice)- "Yeee, ahh, Carm, same as always, I want that Italian Christmas DInner special you always make."
Wife- "Oh come on Tony thats repulsive"
**Slaps her across face with braciole**
**Wife crawls under table with two black eyes and begins slobbing on husbands knob**
Tony 10 minutes later- "Thats the best Italian Christmas Dinner ive ever had, now turn the fuck around!"
**Proceeds to eat capicola out of wifes ass**

by snicjn njscsaijn February 19, 2021

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Bancroft dinner jacket

Named after the small northern Ontario, Canada, logging town. It is assumed that everyone in Bancroft wears the, sometimes, red and black fleece outdoorsman coat even to formal events. Therefore the Bancroft dinner jacket.

Outdoorsy type wearing his checkered coat in the city someone might say.

Hey, look at buddy wearing his Bancroft dinner jacket!

by Pflapper January 30, 2011

Glenwood Dinner Rolls

The act of half cooking normal dinner rolls in the microwave, then half cooking the rest in your ass, then serving the smashed and shit smelling roll to your guests. Has been a Glenwood, Iowa tradition for years.

Bill-"Honey, these have to be the best Glenwood Dinner Rolls I have ever had in my life, the one problem is they are pretty warm, but smashed and smell a lil shitty."

by Glenwood's Finest October 22, 2011

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