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Daniels are very talented and charming. But beware they do cheat. They are outgoing to their friends but shy to others. They are very smart and musical. They have a lot of friends. Daniels are good at sports they enjoy otherwise it doesn't end out well for them.

Girl: Oh Daniel is so nice and talented.
Boy: I know but I don't trust him.

by Ducks are great May 26, 2020


Daniel is the most caring person on the planet. He will make sure you’re ok no matter what. He’s always there for you and has your back. He is popular but very modest. He’s number 1 at sports in his class which (frankly) gets to his head sometimes. If Daniel does something wrong he will not stop regretting it and apologize profusely. It is so hard not to love him. No matter what Daniel will always have your back. He’s just the best. And quite shy and cute too.

Person 1:Hey that new kid seems really sweet

Person 2: ya he must be a daniel

by You’ll-never-know November 7, 2018


Big ass cuming game in the north of africa

Boy: lets play daniel
Girl: sure brother

by Kanker jood January 7, 2019


some guy who grew up thinking every girl loved him, but they just thought he was decent looking. now he's a pompous egotistical model who doesn't do anything but flex constantly. well, occasionally holds his junk as he does it... theres more to life than being really really ridiculously good looking... he isn't that, hes a stud... but so is every other dude. personality goes a long way... and hes a cock so like... you be the judge.

Gay guy: that guys kinda cute...

straight girl(Nicole possibly): yeah, that's Daniel. he thinks that of himself too... too bad he doesn't have anything else to offer.

by buttmuncher24 August 31, 2018


one of my very close friends he is smart likeable and funny

If you need me i wont be there bye.- an actual Daniel (me friend)

by Deelespina January 10, 2020


Daniel is a weird and goofy guy who always understands and supports you. He is funny and talented who likes to be cocky about himself. He is a very loyal boyfriend who loves and takes care of his girlfriend more than anyone else. Sometimes he can be annoying by making sexist jokes thinking hes being funny. He plays guitar well but cant sing without making others ears bleed. Daniel is very realistic and has a good heart. He takes care of his cats and hamsters although they dont like him and keeps scratching and biting him.

"omg hes being such a daniel"

by Yourcherry🍒 March 14, 2022


A person who is the definition of retard. Daniel's exist only to make all your other nonexistent friends seem good, these rodent looking creature are incapable of being normal human fucking beings and will annoy you just by standing within a 10km radius of you. Sitting in the same room as a Daniel will cause clinical insanity and retarded thoughts similar to those of the Daniel. Traits of a Daniel include: Being a fuckhead, being a fuckhead and being a fuckhead. If you spot a Daniel in it's nature habitat call 000 and do not approach as it will bite. To remain safe from these creatures here are some details that will help identify a Daniel.
1. Daniels have a distinct smell of rotting eggs and dick cheese
2. There face looks similar to a mouldy walnut
3. There chode will always be erect and is 9 times the size of a normal male penii (the size of there shlong is in compensation for their lack of all brain matter)

Guy 1: Oi mate, is that Daniel?
Guy 2: Fark it is too.
Guy 1: Fuckin run ya dumb cunt, he cumming toward us!
Guy 2: FUCKKK!
Daniel: ooga booga

Guy 1: Da FuK?!

by AussieFuckhead September 3, 2020