An unattractive but sexually available woman, inhabiting low-rent bars and pubs. A sad, misguided individual seeking some sort of meaningful relationship through easy sexual encounters with the sleazy characters found in said dives.
Most often seen around Welfare Cheque Time.
To be avoided as much as possible; they can be flighty and dangerously unstable.
OK, I know you're drunk. If I see you trying to pick up that War-donut, I'm dragging you out of here by your hair!
A Dominican cultural rendition of the act of rimmingout a Dirty Dominican. Some say it’s sweet like a chocolate donut.
She really put in work on my Dominican Donuts last night.
A stubbly rectum felt when giving anal sex.
My dick is raw from the cactus donut I had last night!
Likes jam donuts
Nice people
Are very kind
john is such a 'donut karen's.'
The process of having sexual intercourse on a beach while covered in lubricant. The lubricant acts as a glue, sticking the sand onto and all over the participants' bodys. Hence, making them appear as cinnamon donuts.
Remember when we went to the beach last weekend and you gave me a cinnamon donut?
Slang for anally cumming in somebody so it looks like custard oozing out of a donut.
“Oh man Aedan, I gave Natasha a custard donut last night it was fantastic!”
the act of punching someone in a donut shaped orifice, specifically the vagina.
"My girlfriend started bitchin' so i donut punched her!"
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