Really obscure slang for slapping someone on the back hard. The word came about because Dusty Munger is an annoying asshole. Used by Mountain Phoenix students.
Holy shit dude, watch out hes gonna give you a Dusty Munger
The act of dunking your balls in a burning hot mug of tea, usually accidentally, sitting on a friends sofa, in trackies.
Oh no I gave myself a dusty hobnob! It burns!
Dust particles of a friend
Boring and bland like white person food
"Im with liam and blake"
"****** why are you hanging with such dust particles"
"Yeah they're Dusty friends"
The male coats his penis in cinnamon powder, and his lover proceeds to give him a blowjob. All will listening to the music stylings of ‘Slim Dusty’.
Guy 1- “ I gave Tracey the ‘Slim Dusty’ last night”.
Guy 2- “ Wow! I heard that’s terrible for your lungs”.
Old mans dick- especially a veiny one with dead skin and a cheese shop at the bottom
Betsy: hey john what’s for dinner todayyy?
John: haha, Ol’ Dusty!
Betsy: and you wonder why our kid came out ginger!
When a girl is on all fours and is being eating out from behind and she farts in his face. Hence the Dusty Cloud
I love as licking my gfs pussy when she unexpectedly gave me a dusty cloud.