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ev money spread

when ev get money and do a money spread because he richer than all yous broke ahh

"you heard about that ev money spread?"
"Yeah man he be on that rich shi"

by 7cjaHEYYA February 5, 2023

2πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Cinco de Mayo Eve

A culturally significant Mexican holiday on May 4th commemorating the first Cinco de Mayo celebration. Traditional celebrations include: fasting, buying Cinco de Mayo decorations, and camping out at Taco Bell.

Lars: Lets celebrate Cinco de Mayo Eve in Lithuania!
Hans: Are you kidding? I'd rather be dead in Latvia than alive in Lithuania.
Lars: You are right.

Nat: Hey! lets invite Kat to our Cinco de Mayo Eve camp-out!
Everyone: NO.

by Not Mat May 10, 2012

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

new years eve ball drop

When your have sex with your girlfriend vaginal and she has a open butt plug and you count down from 5 and drop your balls in her butthole

Hey babe wanna try the New Years Eve Ball Drop

by Pounder In Rear June 26, 2017

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Super perfundo on the early eve of your day

Another way to say goodbye to someone. The meaning is loose. Comes from the movie, Waking Life.

Wiley: Yeah, man. Well, I gotta go man.

John: Ok, later man. Super perfundo on the early eve of your day.

Wiley: What's that mean?

John: Well you know, I've never figured it out. Maybe you can. This guy always whispers it in my ear. Lewis.....he's a reoccurring dream character.

by The Legendary Ironwood January 25, 2007

327πŸ‘ 197πŸ‘Ž


Christmas, Kwanza, Hanaka, Boxing Day, Edi-udna, Cha-Cha, and all those days hava day and an eve...

Christma-kwanaka-boxing-edi-cha-day-eve is tha best day ever!!!

by xHiddenxSorrowsx October 25, 2007

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


When you follow someone posting every single move they make on a fake social media account for the sole purpose of their mental breakdown and to exacerbate their complete and utter destruction.

Fuck I hate him so much ...... like the paparazzi we are going to follow his ass and make sure that this eves-spotting drags him straight to the worst part of a living hell

by FoesOfHumanity(fuckouttahere) June 2, 2018


One who is sexually and romantically attracted to only Eve Parker Bae Coltharp/Mizener

Girl 1: β€œHe is so hot I’d smash you think he’s into me?”
Girl 2: β€œWho Jaden? No he’s Eve-Sexual”

by Lesbihonestladies September 19, 2021