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Anton is such a faggot

by that guy ozzie July 7, 2016

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Believed to be a derogatory term against gay people, it is actually just a term for annoying fucking idiots.

Did you see that fucktwat piece of shit that rides a fucking Harley with his little stupid Motorcycle friends? Jesus, what a faggot.

by Modern Translation May 19, 2021

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a bundle of sticks used to burn homosexuals

get the faggot ready, we here caught us some hermosexwho'als

by Phil Johnson 47 May 22, 2016

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A faggot

You’re a faggot

by Nateksui November 9, 2020

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Anyone's brother/sister or subling who constantly rides their ass about everything and won't leave them alone. Also known as a complete fucking doucher

"My brother is complete fucking Faggot. He told on me for getting high last night"

by GLewis18 January 8, 2016

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a gay whore

ayo bro you a faggot!

by lolomgok August 13, 2021

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When 1 or more players, remove analogs from controller, after pitching tent to hard faggot with their sniper, or sit in corner with shady area because too shit at the game to contest in a real gun fight, but instead lay and wait for someone to run past.

Fuck sake cunt, there’s a cunt β€˜faggoting’ at the back with a sniper, removed analogs, no longer needed, has set up shop for the night, will continue faggoting until swarmed on by the JOBS clan.

by July 25, 2021

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