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Corn Farmer

One who eats or picks corn from a gay mans asshole usaully with his teeth or for the Yuppie gay w/ a small salad fork

I bet those 2 gays are Corn Farmers

by Round Bee Head January 11, 2011

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Sperm farmer

One who farms or collects semen in a very homosexual way.

When Andrew got a few beers in him, he became a real sperm farmer and he always yielded a large harvest.

by PTSD greg March 8, 2011

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Hair Farmer

a guy who spends more than half the day messing with his hair. Also a guy who has long hair and uses his hand for a comb during the day.

Girl: Come on, lets go or we will miss the movie.
Dude: hold on. Im doing my hair.
Girl: God, your such a hair farmer!

by Flamin Orphans April 13, 2009

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jack farmer

a drunk farmer who's never gotten laid. and will die a virgin

you're such a jack farmer.

by Jocelyn God Almighty November 4, 2007

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ass farmer

one who cultivates the seeds of life on another's ass fields.

peter north has a side profession as an ass farmer.

by d00dsk8 February 21, 2009

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Tard Farmer

A person who continually rediates retardedness from themselves; cultivating large quantities of retarded statements, actions, and thoughts.

Dude, you tard farmer, stop talking. You are killing my brain cells.

by Ptown kid April 7, 2008

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worm farmer

Someone or something that is dead. - RC Oden

He's no longer alive, he's a worm farmer.

by David JonesTTU February 10, 2006

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