A guy with a great barber skill and great tattoos he's so good at cutting hair
Damn I need to cut my hair
Go to Gary the barber he is very good
The most amazing,special and elite person ever
Yo Gary Guacamole is a great guy
a stereotypical 40yr old racist, who appears across several social media, obviously parody but racists love him
“have you herd o that gary winslow feller”
“yeah mate he’s class”
A Gary Nifter Bifter is a slang term for a cigarette.
Hey mate, got a spare Gary Nifter.
An expression used when doing something good or tactical in a video game.
did you just do a Musty Flick?
Yea man, I'm Living it Gary's Way.
the one neighbor you dont know
hey do you know the name of gary hedges
when someone ends up like Gary.
(A Way Out reference)
person 1: "OH MY GOD insert person/character here's DEAD"
person 2: "Lmao they're Committing a Gary"