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gas money

when you give an attractive girl a ride. gas or ass for payment, gas money" is her giving you head while you drive.

Girl: "Can I get a ride home?"
driver: "give me some gas money"

girl gives him head while driving.

by sam jacobson April 21, 2005

120πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

gas bomb

The act of sitting on a hard surface when in dire need of a poo. Usually required when one finds themself far away from a toilet. Doing a gas bomb hopefully will allay the impending dump for a few minutes until you can find an appropriate recepticle. Grass is not a recommended surface as it is too soft.

Warning - A gas bomb performed incorrectly or at too late a moment may cause skidmarks.

Many gas bombs were commited on the low walls outside peoples houses in Charlton Kings, Cheltenham in the late 70's.

Person A: What are you sitting down?
Person B: I'm doing a gas bomb.

by Peter Reed February 17, 2008

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

gas up

to lead on. to play someone.

this bitch got me gassed up cuz she aint into me.

by Caca Man March 17, 2004

137πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

gas leak

When 10 or more farts are released within a 30 minute time period.

Bro, i've been farting all night long, total gas leak.

by OpieTaylor February 7, 2011

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

natural gas

natural gas is a clean burning fuel consisting mainly of methane used for heating and cooking and as an alternative transportation fuel

bob what is natural gas

buddy natural gas is a clean burning fuel consisting mainly of methane used for heating and cooking and an alternative fuel for transportation

wow bob natural gas is really interesting

buddy now you know a little about natural gas

by littlejimmie February 22, 2019

22πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Corner Gas

An Awesome Show on Comedy Central and CTV it's Based in Dog River, Saskatchewan
Brent Leroy, The Gas Station Owner

Oscar Leroy, Brent's Dad, Former Owner of Corner Gas.

Emma Leroy, Brent's Mom

Wanda Dollard, retail assistant at Corner Gas and smartest person in town

Richard Henry "Hank" Yarbo, Brent’s perpetually unemployed best friend and Best Canidate for Village Idiot :P

Sergeant Davis Quinton, the overly-sensitive senior police officer in Dog River.

Constable Karen Pelly, is the ambitious and sometimes neurotic junior police officer in Dog River

Corner Gas Rocks!

by Seagulls Of Santa!!! August 12, 2008

50πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Lawrenceville, Ga

A now dirty town in gwinnett county, northeast of atlanta, that has slowly declined in the past 20 years from being a haven for upper middle class families, to a haven for the mexican mafia.

"I live in Lawrenceville, Ga. Have you heard of it?"

by benny tee March 18, 2009

84πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž