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National submit a girl to the government for illegal human experimentation day

On November 11th, you can kidnap any one girl and submit her to the government for illegal human experimentation to stop COVID-19 and other international threats in the future

Boy: Hey it's November 11th
Girl: Ok and
Boy: It's national submit a girl to the government for illegal human experimentation day
Girl: What does that mean
Boy: It means get in the van

by Altruis November 10, 2020

Government Sugar Baby

One who is capable physically of completing a job but rather chooses to sit at home and leach checks from the government.

Dave is such a “government sugar baby”, he needs to get off his ass and get a job.

by Rob144 September 13, 2022

Shadow government

Oh boy I wonder who THAT could possibly be!? Oh! Wait! The church! The religious institutions!

A retard "But I'm religious! The church can't be a shadow government!"

Hym "So... They aren't an unelected body that influences politicians and billionaires and millionaires and every other kind of 'aire' to shape public policy and perception to control the behavior of the people in out country? It's not direct and/or indirect control of people's moral framework, is it? Like, you don't have millions of people who have ceded (entirely) their personal morality and their own claim to shape the moral landscape to an overarching body of authority and they're not going to act in accordance with that authority, indefinitely, are they? Because that SOUNDS like a shadow government to me!"

A different retard "It's not the religion! It's the nationalism and fundamentalism (taking the religion literally, like, actually believing the shit makes it "fundamentalism" and is, therefore, the bad kind of religion)!"

Hym "And what's difference nationalism and religion? You're either on the side of God or you're not. ("I mEaNt ThE cOuNtRy!" She interjects) It's a 'religious country.' The religion IS the country. What's the difference between the fundamentalism and religion? You're either doing what the religion or you're not! What would religious on-fundamentalism look like? It's religion but instead of doing what's in the religion they just do something else... THAT'S religious non-fundamentalism. It doesn't even make sense."

by Hym Iam March 16, 2024

Provincial government court

Provincial government court Weapon restrictions used to facilitate torture and murder 1

Madd is contractually committing agist rape the use graduated licensing to extort agist rape using Nazi oppression threw provincial government court

by Cody5050 January 25, 2022


being fucky, making peoples lives harder, messing with your shit, etc

Anyway, President Obama is going to have to change his style of governing.

by eydsh August 7, 2018

ThE gOvErNmEnT iS wAtChInG yUo

The government doesn't NEED to watch you. So long as you accept the propositions of the Universal Submission Ethic I know EXACTLY where you are. I know where you are on Sunday. I know you need to work hard and be friendly so I know where you are going to be Monday through Friday.

Conspiracy theorist "ThE gOvErNmEnT iS wAtChInG yUo!"

Hym "I don't even need to watch you to know where most of you are and I'M actually being watched so I don't really see how my thing isn't worse than your fucking DATA."

by Hym Iam August 2, 2023

J Gaming Government

A type of government formally established in J Gaming GMD’s chat, where its complete anarchy, and J Gaming GMD is being stupid.

Whats the worst government? Totalitarianism?

No, the forbidden J Gaming Government

by AnOrganism April 1, 2022