matthew gray gubler is a 42 year old actor who wears mismatched socks because the one time he wore matching socks, he sprained his ankle. matthew is mostly known for his role as Dr. Spencer Reid in CBS' Criminal Minds, but he also plays Chip in 68 Kill, and voices Simon in Alvin & The Chipmunks. matthew is the most perfect man ever and i love him so so much. if i could marry the man i would. but most important of all, matthew is taller than daniel henney.
Matthew Gray Gubler is a hunk.
A factory originally based in Fraserburgh and other locations across the UK run by Tories, who believe they have a higher status than anyone else.
'I work in Gray and Adams, dinna you spik to me like at'
the hottest and sexiest guy you’ll ever meet. seriously if you meet a single gray you are so lucky he gets all the girls with his sexyness and he is so hot and sexy. he also likes venti
woah did you see that massive cock? it had to have been grays
the best sister ever <33
kinda funny ig…
very sweet!
i love gray /p
Gray is the name of a handsome guy with huge intelligence.
Gray is a genius
A cute chick that makes everyone around her feel amazing. Gray is sweet and beautiful.
I think I'm in love with Gray.
Gray is a amazing person who is kind and has tons of friends, he is always ready to help someone if they need it and is a pleasure to be around, he also has Mad rizz and can get all the bitches
Girls: “is that gray?!” “I think so he has Such nice hair!” *faints*
Gray pulls mad bitches