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'Heather' is a word referencing the song Heather by Conan Gray. A Heather isn't necessarily prettier than you but they just have better qualities then you, someone that someone you like always looks at. you wish you were her as you want the person you like to look at you like that but you also kinda wish she was dead.

you're such a Heather!

by annalikesoreos September 19, 2020


A musical from 2014 that is based off the movie heathers. It is the best Musical ever!!!!!!!!

Girl: Heathers is so addicting
Girl #2: what’s heathers?
Girl: an amazing musical

by The girl who speaks the truth! September 7, 2019


Someone who is simultaneously the nicest person you know and you love to be around but also the meanest dickhead at times

Person 1: that girl over there is so charming but she's also a huge asshole

Person 2: Damn she must be a Heather

by WhiteDeath182 April 22, 2023



Heather is such a bitch

by Veggie chips November 23, 2021


A caring person who is always willing to go out of her way. Doesn't always get everything going on but is very smart and always passionate about at least one thing. She's incredibly generous but never willing to budge on their principles. Doesn't bother much with what the world want and likes what she likes without thinking about what others think. Can get incredibly frustrating but is easily worth the fuss in all the positivity she can bring to your life.

Thanks for the lift Heather

You're such a smartass Heather

by Paper flamingo December 3, 2023


basicly meaning you and your 2 other friends ar bitches

look its the heathers, they've flow above it all
I wish I were a heather, I mean their solid Teflon,never bothered, never harassed, I would give anything to be like them

by .elleiot June 7, 2022


Someone who bangs every guy in Dekalb County.

Slang for: bitchy, cunt, dumbass.

Quit being a heather and buy me a rzr.

by YourNameWasCarlosOnce July 15, 2020