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brownie hound

a term for a homosexual male

Ron: Did you see Joe walking with Steven in the hall today?
Jason: Yeah, Joe’s a real brownie hound....

by pi$$kink April 2, 2021

Fib Hound

Pro Dog

A down right dirty lier. You can not believe a word he says. He'll lie just to benefit himself despite contingent damage. And a user he is. A professional dog that can sniff out difficulty and lie his way around it. This can also be a female. "That SOB is such a Fib Hound, I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him.

by Spasha April 30, 2022

Sphincter Hound

A person that cannot let a social media post go without having to comment on the post with their opposing opinion which is almost always incorrect and ignorant. Compounding the douchey vibe of their behavior is that it usually involves hijacking the original post for the sole purpose of harming one's business and/or advancing their own personal interest while freeloading off of the post originator's audience. This type of poaching is almost always performed by someone that would have no qualms about crashing a party, pissing in the host's sink, freeloading the food and alcohol, driving drunk home and complain about the party the next day on social media. Could as easily be called an Asshole, Fucktard or Crap Weasel. Rates a 9/10 on the Douchebag meter.

I ran a great ad on facebook yesterday but had to take it down because some Sphincter Hound put in his 2 cents and doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about.

by goliwag February 23, 2024

Cash hound

Female who is able to sniff out money no matter how well it is hidden.

That Suzy could sniff a hunnit from a mile away. She’s a cash hound.

by Quadkingzzz August 26, 2022

Mississippi mud hound

When you are banging McCarthy’s mother in the poop shoot, then clean your dick on her pillow shoving her face in it for being a dirty girl. Don’t confuse it with Mississippi blood hound.

I Gave your mom a Mississippi mud hound, you shouldn’t kiss her. Who’s a bad girl!

by McCarthy’s mothers lover November 27, 2021

mississippi mud hound

When you a banging McCarthy’s mom in the poop shoot, pull your dick out whip it on the pillow and shove her face in it. Not to be confused with Mississippi blood hound

I gave McCarthy’s mom a Mississippi mud hound, don’t kiss her. Who’s a bad girl!

by McCarthy’s mothers lover November 27, 2021

Grey Hound

A guy who gets high on city gases.

Have had too much car exhaust, and act like he is high of it.

1: Jo see that guy? He's a real grey hound!
2: Yeah, he is acting like he is high. He must have had to much of that car exhaust.
1: Hell yeah!

by RĀVEN December 5, 2017