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expression used on rpg games by mindless fucks who need somebody to tell them if they're laughing. ("lol" means "laugh out loud", morons, it is not a question.)

player 1: Dude, that weapon sucks!

player 2: Lol?

by p1$$3d 0ff wh1t3 guy July 15, 2008

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Meaning, Laugh Out Loud, but has achieved fine subtle nuances of it's own unique personality. For example:

"lol": "I am mildly amused..."

"lol!!": (the original laugh out loud excitement) "HAHA!!"

"LOL": (can be sarcastic) "Ha, yeah, no." /:|

"LOL!!": (this is very similar to other gleeful chatspeak such as lmao (laugh my ass off), and rofl (rolling on floor laughing) "WAAAAAHAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT THAT IS FUNNY LOL!!!"

**side note: I don't use the phrase rofl as a response to something funny; rather, saying it simply makes me laugh. Try it. Say "rofl rofl rofl!!" phonetically. lol!!

Bobby: Dude, I pissed on my shoe in the bathroom just now... =(


Bobby: Then I swore and accidentally pissed on the guy next to me... *head in hands*

Chett: lol!!

Bobby: Then he punched my face quite firmly and I collapsed into the urinal whereupon he then peed upon my whole person in totality.


by Biomenace March 11, 2007

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to have sex with someone. if you look at it, the first L is the bedpost, the O is the matress then the last L is the front of the bed.

John: Wanna go lol?
Amy: Yeah!

by sha-damnnn March 15, 2008

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lol meaning laugh out load or lords oral love

lol laughing in text/ lord making love to a man

by nhl April 17, 2008

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The most over-used word on the internet.
It is a word, if not used in uppercase, which shows the person has no interest whatsoever in the current conversation. Also used if one is an uncomfortable situation, and 'lol' seems like the only way out.

Paul: Katie..I have something to tell you, and i've been meaning to tell you for a while now.
Katie: ..?
Paul: I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Katie: lol

by omgitotezlikeluvu May 12, 2008

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I'm pretty old and lol always meant "lotsa luck"
it was used in a number of ways.
Wishing someone good fortune when embarking on something new.
Reply to someone about to attempt something doomed to failure.

I hear you're trying to fix up that old clunker. lol
So this is your third marriage. lol

by HBM November 2, 2005

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Lol is often used as a text notation for laughing out loud. However where im from it is used instead of laughing.
People from where i come from have no emotion and only say lol instead of laughing

Archie is walking along with Chay and Thorbjorn.
Archie falls over
Chay says: lol at you
Thorbjorn: you nab

by Ben H 212 January 30, 2008

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