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Ethiopian Johnny

The act of “going blackface” with someone’s, or one’s own feces.

Oh boy, how I love a good Ethiopian Johnny in the morning!”

“Dude, I can the smell that that chick got an Ethiopian Johnny last night from here!”

by Butter_Mage January 27, 2023

Johnny Nap

A substance indused slumber taken by REALLY cool people

Hey man, after these various substances and delicious cigarettes I'm gonna take a Johnny Nap

by WillCComedy June 6, 2022

Johnny Quaser

Niche Internet micro celebrity / part time twitter reply guy… affiliated with Twitch and Bakagang

Johnny quaser is kinda funny

by Twitter ooc dickridin July 19, 2022

johnny carrol

A knuckle dragger

Johnny Carrol dragged his knuckles into my house and stole all my fried chicken and watermelon and washed it down with grape soda.

by johnnyc69420 September 3, 2015

Johnny Cubicle

A catch-all name for empty, soul-destroyed office workers who spend the 9-5 wishing they were suffering from terminal cancer.

"Isn't it wonderful being on vacation? I can't stop thinking about Johnny Cubicle, slaving away back at the office".

by WillyCravemore July 6, 2018

Ponyboy and Johnny

Two boys who are characters in the book the outsiders (we stan johnny) in which people made fanfics of them and we are all pretty sure they are gay for each other.

"I love those two together. They love each other like Ponyboy and Johnny"

by Coco Standley January 29, 2021

Pulled a Johnny

An action when you (either by accident or on purpose) inhale a portion of another person’s line as you are doing yours.

How high are you bro, You just Pulled a Johnny!

by Eel WJ September 2, 2018