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period blood kink

Something an obsessed guy had.

Guy: I have a secret to tell you

Me: what

Guy: I have a blood kink... But it's a period blood kink

Me: ok... *Wtf*

by Agaywith_aknifekink December 29, 2022

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Among us kink

1:when you get hard to among us

2:when you want your significant other to dress as crewmate or sussy imposter

1:damn I think I have a among us kink

2:babe can you dress as a imposter? I have a among us kink

by lemondemon666 April 2, 2021

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Pepper nose kink

Tge attraction when someone shoves pepper up their nose to sneeze and have a mega orgasm.

"Oh dan you snorting that pepper gonna make me act up~ OH DAN OHHIAUAHAJAK~ IMA CREAM"

"I have a pepper nose kink πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΄πŸ˜©"

by Big_pp_lvr September 28, 2021

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Hobo Eren Kink

Hobo eren kink is when a certain someone really likes hobo eren yeager and wants to get on all fours and bark/meow for him. that person is me😈😈😈

"I have a hobo eren kink
*gets on all fours and barks for eren*"

by DilfHunter69 February 17, 2022

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age gap kink

another word for being a fucking pedo

Person 1: Hey whats your kink i like bondage
Person 2: Oh i have an age gap kink
Person 1: wdym?
Person 2: i like when 20 year olds are with 12 year olds

by a girl names kai February 27, 2022

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chopped dick kink

a kink someone may have;a sexual arousal from a chopped dick

Me:I want to fuck carrie but i'm not sure if she likes chopped dick
Megan:Well to be honest i have a little chopped dick kink ;)

by x.m.n.r September 21, 2017

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Kili Kili Kink

attracted to coco martin armpits

ben is attracted to coco martin's armpit, they have a kili kili kink

by akuvolt April 12, 2021

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