Source Code

can you link

Can you Hangout or meetup

Can you link

by Mandi440 April 17, 2017

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

double linked list

A homoerotic sexual act involving multiple partners. While performing the double linked list, each partner inserts his penis in the anus of the the partner in front and caresses the testicles of the partner behind him.

The effect is similar to that of the double linked list data structure.

"Those 5 guys totally pulled off a double linked list last night'

by SwoleMan5001 April 3, 2011

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

thai love links

A stupid ad that's hiding itself from all parts of it's own country by advertising illegail Thai immigrants on the internet and disguising it as a website to get a Thai wife from.

Ad: Find your Thai love beauty today!

Sad person: OMFg!!1111one i wuld lyek dat pls0!!111 thai love links are ftw!11one!

by Thailover May 9, 2010

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

insert link here


1. an arbitrary link.

2. can be ANYTHING arbitrary given that the syntax be edited to accomodate. often used when describing the activities of a linkwhore.

a.) syntax: insert <whatever> here.

by unknown March 1, 2004

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž



. .until death.


2) RiLu+Link will be together RiLu+Link? <3


by <3Luff<3 February 26, 2005

2πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Kentucky Cuff Links

†wo shot glasses of whiskey, one in each hand, downed just before heading to an event.

"Daniel, should we put our Kentucky Cuff Links on before the _______ gig"?

"Russel, you said you wouldn't wear your Kentucky Cuff Links to work any more."

by drumsandbirds February 4, 2013

German Sausage Link

A sexual activity in which one prepares by swallowing hair or other fibers. The next day, when they exit the body, the stool is linked together as if it were a sausage roll.

My wife told me to do a German sausage link. I can’t get the hairy feeling out of mouth.

by Th_232 February 26, 2020