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bum a square

Can you loan me a cigarette?

Ed: Hey man, can I bum a square?
Random: Sure! *Hands over cigarette*

by ilurvbatman November 15, 2013

18๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

bum wad

(n) Toilet paper or toilet tissue.

The worst thing is to get stuck on the toilet with no bum wad.

by Heptune May 11, 2005

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Bum Around

to hang out with no particular plan, activity, or location, esp. on stoops or in the streets

The don't have any money either, but we'll meet 'em near the park and just bum around.

by somecrumbbum May 30, 2009

39๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bum Crime

Bum Crime.

Synonym for "fart".

This word originally came from the parody of Erasure's "Sometimes", called "Bum Crimes" by "thesquitsuk" on YouTube. The original definition probably meant something far more sinister, perhaps forcible anal penetration, we'll never know, but this definition I think is more "palatable".

There is a sister word called "Mouth Crime" which is a synonym for "burp" but it isn't defined on Urban Dictionary as of yet, although that may change if I can be arsed to write another definition.

The word "crime" alone can also be used by itself, for example: "You did a crime!"

Someone who does/commits/carries out Bum Crimes is said to be a "crimist". As in, "You crimist! You keep bum/mouth criming!"

John Doe: *Does a Bum Crime*

Jane Doe: "Fuckin' hell mate that was one hell of a Bum Crime."
"Ooooooh, Bum Crimes"

by HellaTrill420 February 19, 2018

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gladiator Bum

A Bum that knows how to fight and does not have any limits, also known to be constantly drunk and rummaged around dumpsters for a while. A good example of a Gladiator bum is in the controversial film Bumfights.Rufus Hannah was a good example of a gladiator bum he fought his best friend and bum Donnie for $20.00 and a bottle of beer. Rufus is no longer a gladiator bum though because he owns an apartment and has a job. Donnie can also be considered a Gladiator Bum but not as extreme as his friend. Gladiator Bums are also known to get tattoos on them. like Rufus who got "Bumfight" tattooed on his knuckles, and Donnie who get "Bumfights tattooed on his forehead for $200.00 and free B.J. from a dirty crack woman. Never fight a Gladiator Bum because they will defeat and humiliate you.

Damn, Rufus just broke Donnie's leg for a bottle of booze and 20 bucks hes a real Gladiator Bum
Bumfights produced two noteworthy Bums, but Only one prevailed and that was Rufus Hannah aka "Rufus the stunt bum".
To be called a Gladiator Bum is the same as being called Chuck Norris So Rufus the stunt bum was basically the Chuck Norris of Bums.

by Rufus for President 2012 April 26, 2010

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Bums Rush

The act of a bar bouncer, security guard, or some authority figure forcibly removing a person (the "bum") from a location by twisting said person's arm behind his back and pushing the forearm skyward while rapidly pushing (rushing) the body toward an exit.

We gave that troublemaker the bums rush and never heard from him again.

by Russel Upsome July 5, 2005

219๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

mardy bum

1) A song by the Arctic Monkeys, who are a band from Sheffield, UK. The song is about the lead-singer's ex-girlfriend.

2) A fansite dedicated to the above band - www.mardy-bum.com

3) A collection of mardy and bum, someone who moans when they don't get their own way and yet don't do anything for themselves.

She's a right mardy bum!

by Fred88 March 6, 2006

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