Touching, stroking or sucking a guy’s dick
When I first met Pepe, he said that he was opposed to fucking or any pole play until we were in a committed relationship.
Boy: So I checked out a lady at work today and she paid $200 entirely in $1 bills
Stepmom: Must be a pole model.
Boy: Yeah, definitely the headliner.
To steal someone else's joke. When you see someone leading into a joke and you barge in to steal a punchline.
Brian: Co-hosts should not be front poling each other.
Justin: I'm already at the bottom of the well and I'm trying to get something out and I get front poled from out of nowhere!
A slogan written on a paddle to beat the shit of freshmen from the cult classic film “Dazed & Confused”
Clark: hold him still... give me the sole pole
*paddles freshmen*
Clark: your soles been cleansed haha
A female stripper; exotic dancer.
"Let's go throw some dollar bills at pole trouts tonight bud! Yee yee!"
A song you could picture yourself or one of your friends sliding around the stripper on, either very slowly or fast & ratchet!
Ohhh I love this song! This is my pole song!