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Kyon's Sister

Kyon's sister is a 6th grade student. Her real name is unknown, not even a nickname. As her name suggests, she is the younger sister of Kyon. She spread around the nickname "Kyon" and caused everyone to call him that. She is known to the SOS Brigade as "Little Sister".

we finna raid area 51 and get Kyon's Sister real name

by Gumzx February 19, 2021

Sister cowgirl

A great girl who likes to wear hoops and work at the farm, milk her cows, watch Barcelona play, likes Messi and sister James, is VERY allergic to peanuts she is very attractive and has a lot of friends like: daddy long legs, unfaithful sister, and daddy red head

Person 1: “hey look at that girl, love a cute sister
Person 2: “yep that must be sister cowgirl

by sistercowgirl April 12, 2018

Reggie's Sister

look Its Reggie's Sister still don't know her name, but LOOK ITS REGGIE'S SISSSSSSSSSTER!!!!!!!!

When You See Reggie's Sister

by Bob Fredricks February 20, 2020


The woman who doesn’t come to your wedding because she has more important things to do, yet expects you to pay for half of her wedding and will upend the entire family unless she gets her way. She is usually supported by your mother-in-law who somehow always takes her side in every possible argument.

Your sister-in-law thinks she’s entitled to you paying for half her wedding yet she has the audacity to not even come to your wedding.

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx November 14, 2020

Ugg Sisters

those white girls who all dress the same and look alike. You can never tell them apart from the back

Omg Lacey and Lucy are such ugg sisters, like, which one is which?

by dan nicky ur bobbies October 17, 2015

shaft sisters

When two girls have had sex with the same guy

"Stacy, did you fuck Josh?"
"Yeah, last month"
"Dude, I fucked him, too!"
"We're shaft sisters!"

by julierileys April 19, 2015


Girl in your close circle who only sleeps with guys others in the group have dated.

That's Becky. She has slept with all our ex-boyfriends. That’s we call her our

slut-sister, but we love her unconditionally.

by Blkprep August 19, 2021