A photo taken of oneself using any device capable of taking a photo and using a mirror, stick, hand, timer, or other person to take a photo of you with said device. Device may or may not have a front facing camera, and it can be called a selfie no matter where said camera is located if you are asking for someone to or taking a picture of yourself.
Sara took a selfie while Jared struggled with the idea that it truly was a selfie even though she used the back camera.
When a man or a woman Pleasures their self while in a relationship
When a man or woman masturbates while they're married or in a relationship they are giving their self a selfie
The act of jerking off to pictures of yourself or a mirror.
I saw Dave walk into the bathroom an hour ago with nothing but a shaving mirror, I think he's pulling a selfie.
Not a good term of endearment justifying someone being a narcissist malignantly with a close friend, acquaintance, family member, good guy, close - ones', & everybody that seriously doesn't need this kind of attention ever. Small level of being a Closet pedo-rapist to a high concern of discretion due accordingly, true to self safety should this 'new slang' be used warningly! Only used when their is something to gain due to Terribly Obvious insecurity issues stemming consequently from Mother to child relationship issues. No, not relating to having been breastfed at birth or not. Hood-Trust.👊
Used to negatively out someone from preparing themselves to take advantage of you eminently or for a long-term cause.
"You's a Selfie', Ho!"
"Stop being a Selfie son'."
"If you is, or if you isn't a Selfie right now, you gon' get dealt like one. Other person: Nahhh they good, trust me. Whatever it is I'll stop. I didn't know. Main person of slang' use: Yeahh u better hop to it Lucky Charms a.. ... .. . . ."
"Like, why does she think she's gonna get off being a Selfie, like, doesn't she think anybody."
Self-Gratification, masterbation, grind one's corn, etc
Floyd's girlfriend has been out-of-town for several weeks so I am sure he's been taking lots of SELFIES !!
1: you taking a picture of yourself because 1) your a loner or 2) your bored
2: The most annoying song made besides Justin biebers, "Baby"
1: SELFIE! (Takes picture of self)
2: guy 1: Would you rather listen to Selfie or Baby for the rest of you life
Guy 2: i would rathe die.