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Pretty much your guy best friend. His name is probably Clunie or something like that.

Wow, Clunie, you're such a Simp!

by C# October 10, 2020

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Brandon Littlechild

He is a simp

by Pigs74 April 30, 2020

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Simp is short for simpleton. Otherwise it's a term used to describe 'beta' type males who put woman on a pedestal for being hot or sending them really cringe messages for no reason. Typically seen more often on Twitter or Twitch where 'e-girls' are active and have a large following of horny guys or white knights (similar term tbh). Such as for streamers like Pokimane, Loserfruit, etc.

Him: I just miss her bro.

Me: Simp.

by JakeCPhD April 16, 2020

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A word men use to make themselves feel better abt being slaves to pussy. Also, a word incels use to express frustration at bros putting the needs of their girlfriends before sausage parties.

Omg Ryan is such a simp did not ditching his girlfriend’s birthday party to drink with us. Girls who need that much attention just aren’t worth it!

by Thevagrantlife May 22, 2020

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Daniel Carnegie.

Daniel Carnegie is a fucking simp.

by thekayaesmer August 30, 2020

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Someone who sucks up to a girl on twitter dot com to try and get a shag

That @IsakUtd kid is a massive fucking simp, such a virgin lmao

by fuckusimpsak December 14, 2019

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A simp is someone who compliments women.

Goofy A** Ni***, he just complemented a woman, he a simp.

Aubrey the biggest simp there is.

by Aye lmao u mad May 5, 2020

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