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A simp is someone who is a beta male lacking self respect and choosing to settle second place in a woman's life. They're desperate horny individuals who are willing to do anything for a woman just so they can try to experience intercourse. They're virgins who have never experienced a relationship with women because they're viewed as unattractive by women or they're afraid to find a girlfriend themselves. So simps resort to throwing money to girls hoping that they would get a chance at receiving intercourse from someone. They're willing to go to extensive lengths by lowering their standards to rock bottom and seek intercourse with any woman regardless of how careless and irresponsible the woman is. Simps are overly submissive individuals who are willing to always favor a female in their life while receiving nothing in return over it. Simps are alright with having a one-sided relationship and that makes them easy prey for degenerate women who seek to freeride other men like the ones who do Onlyfans.

Jason: Hey, did you see Alex donate $10,000 to that twitch thot streamer?

Earl: Yeah man, Alex is such a simp who is willing to waste his money on a woman who doesn't care for him.

by Sigma Male 907 February 26, 2022


Puppy just puppy 🤣

Hey look at him simp

by Diminyan April 28, 2022


The original reason that only real OGs know is Simp- Squirrels In My Pants.

Phineas: Look at Candice go! Where did she learn to dance like that!
Candice: I got Simp! Squirrels In My Pants!!

by Worst Daydream best nightmare April 19, 2023


Usually someone named Harley, is an epic GAYmer and is often in love with someone named jye or tom white but just doesn't know it yet! Chases after girls and is a big stalker man so watch out ladies!!!! Dogs the boys by leaving whenever the girl leaves and chases women even when hes taken...


Person one: "OMF man that dude is pulling such a HARLEY!!!"

Person two: "IKR dude he's dogging the boys so much!"

Person one: "Ikr, he's such a simp!"

by aussie_stalin March 13, 2020


The world defines a Simp as a simple person who lacks common sense; a fool or a simpleton. Or as slang for a man who foolishly overvalues and defers to a woman, putting her on a pedestal. The real definition of a Simp is any fool that attacks another man for sticking up for a woman that was victimized.

George: Jane was drunk again, so I told her to get lost. She didn't listen, so I knocked her out.

Carl: You're not much of a man if you if didn't show her out the door. I mean, how hard is it to remove a teetering drunk woman?

Chad: Hey! Don't talk to my brother George like that! You know nothing about Jane!

Carl: I know enough about her from stories I heard from the locals, so shut your damn mouth you Simp.

by Apollyon the Kenite July 30, 2020



You are a simp

by End. March 3, 2020


To be so desperate for pussy that you would do anything.

God I hate josh he's such a simp he hits on 8 different chicks in one day.

by One of thee bois March 11, 2020