Social Climbing refers to the attempt to move up in popularity through gaining large amounts of friends.
"Bryan Chow, stop social climbing!"
15๐ 2๐
Relating to the social retard or social retardation. A person who causes undue awkwardness and misses normal social cues during conversation, while technically being considered "normal".
Unlike a social retard, this person is usually of a high IQ, and manages to sporadically control the conversation with an interesting, savant-like twist for specific subjects and topics.
Common in academia, conspiracy theorists, and certain fanatics.
Jason was not a social retard, he had social autism. People avoided speaking around him unless they wanted to discuss the life history of Bob Marley. In the alternative, he was great to have on your team for music trivia night.
49๐ 12๐
Social Capitalism makes reference to a highly collective, planed and centralised economical system whereby although contrast to Socialist economies..The ownership of private wealth and property are not prohibited....The value and worth however of ones labor, produce and property are determined not by the laborer owner of a property Commercial or noncommercial and the producer of goods..But rather these are entirely subject to regulative, predetermined and pre established values, Worth and measures sanctioned or approved by a highly centralised state authority. Social Capitalism, is effectively the middle stage of the transitional process when a Laissez-faire free market economy is transformed in to a Capitalist or Corporate economy.
Social Capitalism, reflects upon the transition of Americas early Laissez-faire free market economy in to a highly centralised planed economy, subject to the regulative and control of a centeralised and powerful state authority.
28๐ 6๐
liquor of any form that induces intoxication and social lubrication (i.e., outgoing and gregarious behavior)
I gotta hit the social lubricant before kickin' it at the club.
83๐ 24๐
A social disconnect is a person who avoids socializing with people due to one or all of the following: past bad experiences, general dislike of people, feeling different from others or feeling inadequate- this can be caused by being put down constantly or talked down to, being used by others, being underestimated by peers. People who are social disconnects rarely spend time in groups of people to avoid bad things from happening. People who are social disconnects have often been victims of social parasites so they withdraw from groups of people or people in general. In some extreme cases, social disconnects may become sociopaths. If a social disconnect can find a group of true friends, this can help them to be more trusting of others and helps them with their healing process.
Social disconnect Avoiding non-communication P.T.S.D. host victim loner trauma sociopath abuse withdraw
23๐ 4๐
Someone who is uncomfortable socialising with people they don't know. They only talk to a select few people they feel very close to. They hate crowds of strangers.
Taylor is selectively social, she hates people.
36๐ 8๐
something i sworn to never become addicted to but alas. here i am scrolling mindlessly for hours, submitting to the machine
i hate social media it took away my childhood