The one idiot who spends his money making a golden gauntlet and achieve "world peace." And somehow doesn't die from a big slice in the chest.
Thanos:You should have gone for the head. *snaps* *teleports away*
A giant prune wondering around space with a shiny styrofoam glove and gay rocks.
Thanos has a nice rock collection
A wrinkly grape with rocks and a glove
Me: I- what- what are you doing?
Thanos: Becoming the greatestt Marvel villian.
Me: Uh-huh... Yeah, have fun.
This big rotten grape that likes to collect minerals so he can kill half the population and make life insurance in debt
Also wears a but plug so ant man no explode in his big butt
Thanos: "snaps"
Life insurance"is now bankrupt"
Thanos"Ha! lol
a guy looking for some shiny stuff to kill 50% of all bacteria
thanos made worldpanics by killing 50%of all life
An evil raisin that is trying to collect some rainbow colored stones to wipe out half the universe