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Insane Trickers

Jakobi, James, Toby, Luca, Daniel

It is the trickers

They are insane trickers!

by Urban trickers July 1, 2019

Jsp insanity

Hiring the same terrible employee over and over but expecting a better outcome. While simultaneously riding good employees like mules.

Jsp insanity has got us right back where we started... but a little worse.

by 3MM October 15, 2020

insane jungle monkey

landon gaulton’s dream sex toy

mom , can u buy me a insane jungle monkey so i can put it in my ass

by bob snarle butt November 16, 2019

domestic insanity

Insanity that usually doesn't manifest itself visibly, and usually is never found. Includes things like stalking, planning (but not enacting) murders, etc.

Guy 1: Did you hear what happened to Blake yesterday?
Guy 2: No, what happened?
Guy 1: He got arrested! They say that he could have snapped at any moment and killed someone! They found lots of creepy things in his house.
Guy 2: Sounds like a case of domestic insanity.
Guy 1: Definitely.

by Gage Tampings September 17, 2012

Silly Insane Guy

The gay cat of the mewmon religion. Has alot of power and authority. Silly, but also aggressive. Good friend when you get to know him. Has no mic.

Member: Whos silly insane guy?
Mew: The cat.

by Mewmon religion lore January 13, 2024

I’m a Cajun and I’ve never seen the world so insane before

I have no idea where these people are coming from. All these weird new people need to go back to where they came from.

I’m a Cajun and I’ve never seen the world so insane before.

i.e. WTH you’re Lebanese, what are you doing in Louisiana in the first place.

by confused cajun man January 13, 2021

Insane Gaming

when a person/people talks to themselves in a solo game. typically in calls (such as discord) different people will be talking to themselves about something no one else can see.

Milton is insane gaming talking to himself like that!

by GodsGiftXD May 24, 2022