stillborn bab(ies) (stillborn due to either by natural causes or medical negligence/malpractice) that is physically/mechanically (medically) resuscitated or is naturally resuscitated on their own regardless of how long they live.
Also includes but not limited to Neonates, infants, babies, children who are pronounced clinically dead and are resuscitated physically/mechanically (medically) resuscitated or are naturally resuscitated on their own regardless of how long they live.
Because of the medical negligence and carelessness of the attending 4th year resident, I was forced to beg and plead for her to just cut my over six years in the making IVF rainbow baby out of me and save them, as I was also made to listen to our baby die inside me. When they finally cut my baby out of me vie delayed emergency c-section, our baby was stillborn, but only because of a competent code team, our baby is alive today and there for is a Phoenix baby, as our baby suffered a suffocating death inutero and has risen from the ashes of their death a gorgeous Phoenix baby to be a testament of death, resurrection, and life to all!
Though we are proud of our Phoenix Baby’s ability to conquer death, we still mourn that our baby had to suffer death and suffer to live again, as it has been a huge catalyst for my family’s suffering, enduring & survival of my postpartum psychosis. Please join us on our Phoenix baby/child parenting and continuing IVF journey @ our_journey_to_yall on Instagram where we honor not only our Phoenix baby, but other Phoenix babies/children as we are made aware.
Louis, a mild-mannered demure guy, had just started dating horny, hung Dave. Louis wanted to "take things slow" and not fornicate right away. This gave Dave frustrated blue balls. One day after work they were heading upstairs and Dave grabbed Louis and went to the bathroom, where he pulled Louis' hand around and together they jerked Dave off leaving Driveby Knuckle Children all over the bathroom.
What are yeast children you may ask
Well they are young developing yeast packets making the greatest bread
Maddie: How did you make this bread Ella
Ella: I used my yeast children
A small group of people who make similar music to Taylor Swift’s. Like Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray, and possibly Shawn Mendes
Person #1: What’s your playlist like?
Person #2: I only listen to Taylor’s children!!!
Music, typically that mainly uses simple words, catchy melody, rhyme and repitition. It usually, but not always is old, well known and still in the mainstream. Unlike contemporary R&B, pop and electronic, it uses soft acoustic sounds mainly, and drumming on rare occasions. We can say that the opposite of children's music is rap-metal. Rap-metal is a fusion genre that combines either hip hop or rap with any metal genre (funeral doom, black metal, doom metal, death metal, heavy metal, etc.)
In nursery, we mainly play children's music.
Abbreviated as CVE, it is the distinct dialect used by prepubescent children
Words like blankie, tattletale, cooties, and scaredy-cat are examples of children’s vernacular English
Yelling out in class that another student is making "gun signs" with his hands or other objects to get the victim student kicked out of school temporarily and sent to juvenile detention while being investigated by authorities. School policies having zero tolerance and the victim has no recourse for being the victim of a "SWATing Children" attack. This is a bullying technique that became popular in schools in late 2013.
This is similar to SWATing except that the victimized child usually does not have to face a SWAT team with guns drawn.
On April 3rd, 2014 in Vernon, New Jersey a 13 year old boy Ethan Chaplin was suspended from school for twirling a pencil - another student said he was making "gun motions send him to juvie". This prompted the school to suspend Ethan and require a psych eval just to return. The student that "SWATing Children"'d Ethan did this as retaliation.
Google "He's making gun motions, send him to juvie." to find this story on the web.