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Don's Pants

A mild expletive, on the order of darn or gosh. Etymology unknown. Regional. Usage limited to greater Cincinnati.

Don's pants, this pumpkin spice latte is tasty!

Don's pants, Aaron Rodgers just can't get along with his family!

by Manhattan Word Man September 18, 2020

don eagle

To cut your hair short but your mom has a delusional episode and thinks your bald.

OMG! The barber cut your hair too short and gave you a Don Eagle!

by Tommydesigns October 22, 2017

“don gordon”

The “Don Gordon”, Jamaican slang for the big boss, kingpin.
Often said as a compliment, or admiringly out of respect for your talents.

See Fola over there? He’s the “Don Gordon” when it comes to computers.

by tha_thuga July 1, 2018

Don Pollo

Don Pollo is a person originally from the Dominican Republic and calls himself Agustin, Don Pollo and the King of Ohio. He is known for his famous sounds on TikTok.

Don Pollo: Un vídeo más mi gente!! *gets interrupted by a notification” coño el Diablo tu sabe lo que es eso…

Another example

Don Pollo: Hi every follow me, today I only speaking English because I won’t be analyzing my parents I se everybody speak English

by Erazem September 8, 2023

37👍 1👎

Trigger Don

An individual capable of doing what has to be done even when it's hard.

- Michael B Jordan's girlfriend just broke up with him and he went on to make Creed 3, which had a major breakthrough! He's a Trigger Don.

by Don Kobayashi April 7, 2023

Don Cheadling

To Don Cheadle someone, also referred to as, Don Cheadling, is to endlessly pursue someone with the sole intention of slamming into them at full force. The act of Don Cheadling is limited to mostly vehicles, such as cars, planes, boats, and even shopping carts.

"Your honor, I plead oopsie daisy to the act of Don Cheadling that man, I was under the influence."

by grognak the sad March 28, 2021

Don Jazzy

A very wealthy & famousman without wife or girlfriend and not even planning to have one.

Are you Don Jazzy? Go and marry

by Cee Prince May 6, 2021